Get the most comprehensive analysis ever conducted in the industry on the impact of technology and social media on apartment marketing and operations. Get your copy of the report today!

What's in the report?

Opinions from real renters, insights from industry experts and a whole lot more!

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  • Stuffed With Data

    From social media & search habits and the impact of online reviews to the renting lifestyle & most valued amenities.

  • Expert Insights

    Insights from the top minds in the apartment business, including Tami Siewruk, Lisa Trosien, Dennis Smillie and more.

  • Marketing Tips

    Use the research to get more out of your marketing & customer service efforts.

What Do Renters Want?

Getting Inside the Head of Today's Online RenterWhat makes renters tick?

What do they expect out of their rental experience?

How important are ratings and reviews?

How do renters shop for apartments, and how does it impact your marketing efforts?

We asked, and now it’s ready for YOU. Getting Inside the Head of Today’s Online Renter is the most comprehensive analysis ever conducted in the industry on the impact of technology and social media on apartment marketing and operations.

Feedback from thousands of residents from 20 diverse management companies — plus insider input from industry experts like Lisa Trosien, Tami Siewruk, Dennis Smillie, Sue Weston, Jen Piccotti and more — can help you make more informed decisions regarding how to best allocate resources to have the greatest impact on your portfolio’s bottom line performance.

Get your copy today »